It’s been quite a while since we heard the voice of Keisha Buchanan. Nearly two years on from leaving Sugababes under a mysterious cloud & not on particularly good terms (also with having the indignity of her already recoded vocals being re-recorded and replaced on their album by newest member Jade Ewan), it was however inevitable that eventually she would return.
Having recently being signed up as the face of Jacques cider, it was fitting that her first ever solo performance would take place at the launch of the Jacques Townhouse. On arrival guest were given the option of a range of beauty treatments, from glamorous make up sessions and manicures to the chance to have a photo session in vintage frocks. There was also a room in which to make your own cupcakes and of course there was plenty of fruity alcoholic summer drinks on offer (pity the weather wasn’t there to match it!)
A host of stars from the world of music and entertainment were in attendence in anticipation of what was to come, as were members of the showbiz press. Spotted in the crowd were Orité from JLS, Eastenders star and singer Preeya Kalidas, Actress Jamie Winstone, 1 Xtra DJ Sarah-Jane Crawford, Reg Yates, Big Brother & Annuvahood's Aisleyne Horgan-Wallace as well as rising stars singer Mike Hough and new girlband Vida.
It was finally time for the star of the show to take to the stage. Keisha admitted to being very nervous about the gig (even Tweeting earlier in the day “Wow exciting day ahead! I’m shaking but i feel the support so it’s really helping..Errr A LOT!”). As she launched into her first song, a brand new composition “A Beautiful Mess”, straight away we heard what we’ve been missing. Keisha’s husky but powerful trademark vocals are instantly recognizable on this great singalong tune. As they song ended and the audience applauds, the signs of relief on her face were obvious.

She had no need to be nervous as the crowd were 100% with her and the new material proved to be strong too as she launched into the second of three new songs “Fearless” (possibly about how she was NOW feeling!). This was then followed by the first cover of the evening, a storming version of “Rolling In The Deep” (on which she admitted to messing up the lyrics a bit and hoped Adele didn’t hear it....but I don’t think anyone would have actually noticed!)
Next up, Keisha took us back to where it all started with a medley of two of the best known hits from her time with the Sugababes, their massive #1 hit “Push The Button” was followed by their (still my favourite) debut single “Overload” both of which she co-wrote so is more than qualified to perform on her own.
The third and final new song “Carried Away” followed, another strong song she told us was written in her kitchen. All too quickly the show came to an end but was wrapped up with a medley of the two girls night out tracks which seemed to encapsulate the theme of the evening. A version of Cyndi Lauper’s hairbrush anthem ‘Girls Just Wanna Have Fun’ then mixed into BeyoncĂ©’s ‘Girls (Run The World) (which included a cheeky little lyric change "none of these babes can fade me"). Inspired!
Keisha thanked the crowd and also Jacques for helping her regain her confidence which clearly had been badly damaged with some of the events of the past. On the evidence of tonight’s show those worries and problems should now be far behind her and the future’s looking good. With an estimated release of recorded material due by end of the year it seems we'll be hearing a lot more of her sweet voice soon.
If you'd like to know more about how you can attend Jacques Townhouse in London (19-28 July) AND for the first time in Liverpool (10-19 August), unfortuantely without Keisha but with everything else thrown invisit to book a (complimentary) place for you and your friends to enjoy one of these 'must do' summer soirees, but hurry as most dates are now full.